Monday, June 25, 2007

California Dreamin’

Until an embarrassingly recent time, I thought the song went:
‘All the knees are browm (knees are brown)
And the sky is grey (and the sky is grey)
I went for a walk, (went for a walk)
On a winter’s day (etc)’

I thought I’d tell you that apropos of nothing, really, except that I recently spent four days in sunny Southern California. I was working in Irvine which, apart from the gorgeous weather and swanky hotel, was nothing much to write home about. I was, however, pretty close to Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Long Beach, and you get the idea…

These are, of course, beautiful places filled with hard-bodied, tanned, beautiful-looking people. I met this girl when she was on lifeguard duty:

She was friendly enough, and wanted my cell number, but she seemed a little vacuous. So, Jonnay, I gave her your number instead. She’ll never know, and I hope you don’t mind…

This is her friend. I promised to fix her up with you, Timmay.

I gave her your address in Sydney, so she’ll be there soon, I expect. She looks like Eva Boos, so I guessed you’d like her…

I seem to have taken more sunset photos. If I do that again, you have my permission to chew my ear off, gentle reader…

I wasn’t here long enough to really get a feel for how friendly it is, but at first glance people seem more self-centred and concerned with looking good. The Mexican food, though, is wonderful.

Oh, and the seagulls are the same size as small children here

I got to spend half a day on the beach at Corona del Mar, so the knees are indeed all brown. See? I was right all along.

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